  • Ethical Management
  • Achieving The Organization’s Vision With The Mutual Trust
  • Declaration of Ethical Management

Declaration of Ethical Management

Dear. COSMAX NBT Staff Members,
The global business environment in 2021 can no longer operate with the sole aim of making profits

Corporate social responsibilities, human rights, environments and anti-corruptions become major tasks for our business model to advance to the next level, which shows that “Ethical Management” of business is now positioning as the critical management strategy of the company.

As per our company Philosophy “Barum”, “Darum” and “Arum”, COSMAXN NBT will continuously operates the business aligning with social responsibility/benefits and contributes our best support to the customer.

Thus, ethical management is important but we must not only focus on being “ethical”. Ethical management of COSMAX NBT is starting point of innovation and commitment for our dear customers. With Mutual respect to our customers, members, stockholders and partners, COSMAX NBT will pursue benefits for all and become “Trustworthy” supplement contract manufacturer fulfilling the requirement of global standard.

COSMAX NBT members need to always make “Right” decision, value “Fairness” and respect each other as daily manner to become true “COSMAX NBT” people with honor.

Accordingly, we declare ethical management with values that respect individual professionalism and creativity as much as possible and value company interests!



  • Client
    [Respect for Client]
    ① Our executives and employees always think and act from the customer's point of view. In addition, we strive to realize customer satisfaction by providing the best products and services that can give satisfaction and trust to customers.
    ② We protect our customers' interests, safety, and personal information, and do not act unfairly to customers.
  • Executives and employees
    [Instructions that hinder the fair performance of duties]
    Our executives and employees do not give instructions that significantly hinder the fair performance of their duties in violation of laws or regulations for the benefit of themselves or others.

    [Establishment of a healthy organizational culture]
    ① Our executives and employees faithfully carry out the missions assigned to them according to the company's business policy by sharing the company's management philosophy, goals and values pursued by the company.
    ② Our executives and employees create a healthy organizational culture based on smooth communication and mutual trust between all members in the company.
    ③ Our executives and employees do their best to perform their assigned duties and comply with the company's rules.

    [Protection of company assets]
    ① Our executives and employees do their best to protect the company's assets and use them only for specified purposes in accordance with the company's internal rules and policies.
    ② Our executives and employees value and protect the company's assets, and do not disclose them or use them for personal use without the company's permission.
    ③ Our executives and employees do not seek personal interests or engage in unfair trade practices using non-public information obtained from the company by using their position.

    [Information Protection]
    ① Our executives and employees do not provide important information of the company to a third party or allow a third party to access it without the company's permission.
    ② When operating personal information files for the purpose of business, our executives and employees legally and justly collect only the minimum personal information to the extent required for the purpose. The collected information should not be used for any other purpose.
    ③ Our executives and employees do not seek unfair private interests in any way, such as property transactions (including investments) and short-term investments (i.e., a transaction in which a profit is generated by selling the company's stock, etc. within six months after purchasing it or by purchasing the company's stock, etc. within six months after selling it) related to securities and real estate, by using the company's internal information acquired on business. They do not also provide internal information so that an individual's family or acquaintances cannot acquire unfair profits.
    ④ Our executives and employees comply with laws such as 「Personal Information Protection Act」, 「Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection」, 「Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act」 and 「Regulation on Corporate Disclosure」.
    ⑤ Our executives and employees do not leak documents and electronic equipment to the outside. Provided that this does not apply when it is necessary for business.
  • Partners
    [Fair trade]
    ① Our executives and employees respect the fair and free market economy order based on the principle of good faith and comply with the laws of each country in which they conduct our business.
    ② Our executives and employees promote mutual trust through fair transactions with our partner companies and pursue the cooperative development by establishing cooperative relationships.
    ③ Our executives and employees do not use their superior position to demand money or valuables from business partners, to impose unfair trading conditions, or to exercise unjust influence such as discrimination or management interference.
    ④ Our executives and employees comply with laws of fair trade such as 「The Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act」, 「The Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act」, 「FCPA」, and 「UK Bribery Act」.

    [Prohibition of receiving money or entertainment]
    ① Our executives and employees do not accept any money or benefits from stakeholders such as our business partners.
    ② Our executives and employees do not provide money or gifts and entertainment beyond the scope recognized by relevant laws, such as 「Act on Prohibition of False Claims or Accepting Bribery」, or social norms to stakeholders, including business partners.
    ③ Our executives and employees do not mutually accept money, or excessive gifts or other entertainment that are outside the social norms.
  • Shareholders' rights
    [Protection of shareholders' rights]
    ① The company makes management decisions in consideration of the interests of all shareholders.
    ② The company protects the rights of shareholders and respects the legitimate requests and proposals of shareholders.
    ③ The company establishes mutual trust with shareholders and investors by faithfully disclosing the management information.
    ④ The company treats all shareholders, including minority shareholders, fairly and equally.

    [Prohibition of conflicts of interest]
    Our executives and employees should try to prevent from occurring any act or relationship that conflict with the company's interests.

    [Transparent management]
    The company discloses accurate management information as prescribed by relevant laws. The company maintains security for undisclosed information.

    [Compliance management]
    ① The company records and manages accounting data in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and transparently discloses its financial status and management performance to shareholders, investors, etc.
    ② Our executives and employees comply with all laws, regulations and rules (such as treaties and internationally accepted laws and regulations) in each country in which we operate our business as part of the national and local communities.
    ③ The company shall endeavor to strengthen the compliance awareness of our executives and employees. We activate internal reporting through dedicated personnel and compensate/discipline them accordingly.
    ④ The company shall engage in activities to strengthen compliance awareness for executives and employees.
  • Society
    [Environmental protection]
    Our executives and employees strive to comply with environmental laws, protect nature, and keep the environment clean in each country in which they operate our business.

    [Social contribution]
    The company contributes to the national economy and social development through productivity improvement, employment creation, faithful payment of taxes, and social contribution.

    [Prohibition of discrimination]
    ① The company does not give preference or discriminate against specific persons due to race, ethnicity, nationality, regionalism, school relations, gender, religion, age, disability, marital status, or social status.
    ② The company gives fair opportunities to executives and employees based on their abilities and qualities, and establishes evaluation standards for their qualities, abilities, and achievements to fairly evaluate and compensate them.

    [Prohibition of involvement in politics]
    ① Our executives and employees do not engage in political activities in the company and do not use the company assets for political purposes.
    ② Our executives and employees respect individual suffrage and political views.
    ③ Our executives and employees should be careful to ensure that their personal political views or opinions are not misunderstood as those of the company.